Sue Gordon z"l, with one of our Sifrei Torah in the cover that she designed.
Recording currently unavailable for Verse 9
Recording currently unavailable for Verse 29
Recording currently unavailable for Verse 13
Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 2
Dvarim/Deuteronomy Chapter 33
Dvarim/Deuteronomy Chapter 34
Bereshit/Genesis Chapter 1
The Simchat Torah Leynathon has been a Kol Nefesh Tradition since 2009, when it was established by Sue Gordon of blessed memory. Sue cared deeply about Kol Nefesh, about Jewish tradition, and about the honour accruing to the Torah. It was her idea that we should encourage everyone to learn a verse so that when we end and begin the reading on Simchat Torah, every single member would be involved in it. And so the Kol Nefesh Leynathon was born.
Originally, to ensure that everyone in the community would get to leyen a verse or two, we extended the Torah reading on Erev Simchat Torah to include the verses from Bereshit that are normally only read on Simchat Torah morning. These days we've gone back to the traditional procedure, and at the leynathon we only read through to the end of D'varim.
Click on the links below to hear each verse individually.
Recording currently unavailable for Verse 3