Regular Activities at Kol Nefesh
Our Covid-friendly in-person Shabbat services have now resumed. See below for details..
For the moment, we're still running some of our non-Shabbat programming via Zoom, but more in-person events are being held. For more details, see the sections below.
Log on to Zoom using the link on the home page of this site, or use these details;
Meeting ID 807 978 4899
Password 727721
Shabbat Services
Shabbat services are open to members and visitors.
Wearing a mask is now optional. However, in order to maintain a safe environment, we are following public health guidelines. If you have any symptoms of COVID (the initial symptoms now are often indistinguishable from a cold) please do not attend services.
The service runs from 9:45am to about 12:30pm.
Any questions, please contact our convenors, convenor@kolnefesh.org.uk.
We look forward to seeing you!
Regular Events
We are continuing with a mix of in-person and virtual events. This allows us to have much more time with our Rabbi, Joel Levy, who is based in Jerusalem, as well as allowing members and friends who live far away to still be engaged with our community.
This is our current weekly schedule of regular virtual and in-person events:
Generally 7:30pm–8.45pm, Sunday Evening Social
This will vary each week, so take a look at the Calendar for details. Some Sundays we hold meetings of our Book Group or Culture Club, and we have restarted a monthly 'Yarn and Yammer' group for those who love to sew, knit, and chat, which is now combined with our games evenings each month. These normally meet on the third Sunday of the month at members' homes. Contact admin@kolnefesh.org.uk for the dates and locations.
7:00am, Shacharit
Start the week on the right foot by joining us for a quiet introspective Shacharit on Monday mornings at 7am in the Zoom room. Please bring a traditional siddur.
6.00pm, Virtual Allotment (running the 1st Tuesday of the month)
On Tuesday evenings join us for the Virtual Allotment, KN's gardening group led by Mike Simmonds. Come along and find out what can be done with a bag of compost and Zoom. Rabbi Joel also participates and leads occasional teaching on agricultural laws in the Jewish tradition.
7:30pm, Study with Rabbi Joel
Tuesday evenings are our weekly chance to study with Rabbi Joel on various subjects. If you missed them, there is a link here to the recordings of many of these sessions.
Sessions normally run for up to 6 or 8 weeks, then we take a break before the next one. Check our calendar for details, or contact admin@kolnefesh.org.uk.
7.30pm, Torah Chat
Torah Chat started at the beginning again when we moved online at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, with Bereishit. We move slowly through the text, drawing on traditional and modern commentaries, but mainly exploring our own ideas and responses. Bring a chumash and any thoughts you want to share.
For other events outside our regularly scheduled offerings, check the Kol Nefesh calendar or your weekly bulletin. To join our mailing list, contact us on admin@kolnefesh.org.uk.
You can join all open online shul events by clicking on this Zoom link,
or by following the phone instructions and using 8079784899 as the meeting ID and 727721 as the password.
Help and Resources
Pastoral support and welfare
Rabbi Joel's visits have restarted. Check the calendar for details of his next visit. At other times, Rabbi Joel is in Israel and can be reached on 07762 901197.
For general pastoral care and support, including for those caring for vulnerable family and friends, contact Rabbi Joel, 07762 901197 or rabbi@kolnefesh.org.uk, or Chazan Jacky, jaclyn@eajl.org.uk.
Our welfare team, Tanya Novick and Helen Stone, are available to arrange practical help or other support at any time. Contact them via the convenor or admin emails, convenor@kolnefesh.org.uk or admin@kolnefesh.org.uk (ask to be put in touch with Helen and Tanya). Or contact Philippa Gamse, our convenor, directly via the convenor email, convenor@kolnefesh.org.uk. All requests will be treated confidentially.
Other resources
This link leads to a page of COVID-19 resources: prayers, a list of resources outside of Kol Nefesh, and some ideas for filling time with online content and activities from other Jewish organisations.