Kol Nefesh's Virtual Yom Kippur
On this page you will find audio and video recordings of some of the special prayers of Yom Kippur, the readings from the Torah, a copy of the Yizkor booklet, and study texts for this Yom Kippur 2020/5781.
Scroll down the page for the different parts of the service in order – Kol Nidrei, Shacharit, Torah reading, Yizkor, Musaph, Neilah. Page numbers are provided for the Harlow and Lev Shalem Machzorim.
Here is Rabbi Joel's Drasha from the pre-Yom Kippur Zoom meeting in 2020.
Kol Nidrei
Kol Nidrei (Video of Chazan Jacky on Zoom 27th Sept)
Avinu Malkeinu* (Alsace Lorraine melody)
Avinu Malkeinu* (USA traditional melody)
Avinu Malkeinu (Janowski melody)
* Recited at each service on Yom Kippur
Harlow Lev Shalem
p352 p204
p386 p223
p394 p227
p396 p229
p398 p233
p403 p235
p414 p243
p414 p243
Harlow Lev Shalem
p96 p44
p100 p63
- p70
Torah Service
Torah reading for Shacharit
Harlow Lev Shalem
p482 p275
p488 p278
p488 p279
p490 p279
p490 p280
p492 p281
p494 p281
p496 p282
Torah reading for Minchah
Harlow Lev Shalem
p624 p363
p624 p363
p626 p364
Here is a copy of the Yizkor booklet for you to recite your own prayers for those departed.
D'var Torah
Here is the Dvar Torah from Rabbi Joel for Yom Kippur in 2020
This is the text for the Dvar Torah.
Study materials for the 10 days of study can be found here.
Harlow Lev Shalem
p536 p315
p538 p316
p550 p325
p554 p325
Harlow Lev Shalem
p720 p407
May You Be Sealed in the Book of Life!