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Lcha Amar Libi (Ps 28)

Jaclyn Chernett

Every day during the month of Ellul until Hoshana Rabba we say Psalm 27 - L’David: Adonai Ori V’yish’i. This melody for verses 8 and 9 was composed by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi who died in July. He was the founding father of the Jewish Renewal movement and had a profound effect on many people. He was a contemporary and friend of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, of whom both had been Chabad emissaries in their youth. As well as being an author, scholar and chassid, he also composed music. This is what I heard him sing in February, just five months before he passed away.

Lchah Amar libi sung by me with Chazan Stephen Robins at the piano.

Chazan Jack Kessler has notated it and I am also attaching the manuscript.

I have been singing this in shul over the past couple of weeks and people have remarked about the melody. So I thought it would be nice to have it for anyone to learn.

Chazan Jacky

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