A day of learning, singing and sharing
Sunday 4th June 2017 at St Albans Masorti Synagogue
Whether you are a seasoned davenner, aspiring leader of prayer, looking to brush up on your shul skills/knowledge or just someone who likes to sing.. this is for you!
Join Chazanim Jaclyn Chernett, Jalda Rebling, Jason Green, Paul Heller and Rebecca Blumenfeld together with Rabbi Carl Wolkin and Robert Davis for a day of study and delight in learning the beauty of our traditions.
The programme includes:
Pop up choir on the melodies of Friday night for all who just love to sing whether you are a shulgoer or not!
Musaf for Shabbat – for the beginning service-leader and those who would like to brush up their skills
Musaf for High Holydays – advanced t’filla lab for the experienced Sh’liach Tsibbur.
Torah reading – for beginners and those who want to shore up their knowledge.
Finding your voice – techniques to help project your voice.
Grappling with prayer - For all who want to explore Judaism's big questions
Time: 9:45am - 4:15pm
Cost: Adults:£15 per person
NOAM, Marom, students and unwaged: £5
Lunch and refreshments included.
Click here to book.