Although Rabbi Joel is resuming his visits to Edgware, not all of the regular events below have restarted. Please check the calendar for updates.
When Rabbi Joel is here our activities include the following:
9.30am - Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Joel in a member's home. Contact admin@kolnefesh.org.uk for the location.
This year's topic: As part of our learning this year on the theme of well-being, the Friday Talmud shiur will be looking at the evolution of the category of mental illness and mental incapacity through biblical and rabbinic sources. How do Jewish sources understand "madness" and how do they treat sufferers as a legal class?
12.45pm - City Shiur with Rabbi Joel. Click here for details.
c. 6.30pm - Kabbalat Shabbat for the whole community or for some segment of it (e.g., families), usually in a member's home. Watch your bulletin or check with the shul for details.
9.30am - Morning service.
We generally hold a lunch-and-learn following services, a seudah shlishit, or a Motzei Shabbat activity (or more than one of these!) when Joel is here. Watch your bulletin or check with the shul.
9.00am - Shaharit and shiur. Shaharit begins around 9am, and is followed by breakfast and a shiur from around 10.30-11am.
This year's topic: In our Sunday morning shiur we have been looking at contemporary halachic issues through the lens of the "Responsa" literature produced by the Masorti/Conservative movement around the world. We are currently looking at the question of egalitarian prayer language - in particular the permissibility and desirability of adding the names of the imahot, the matriarchs, in the opening blessing of the amidah prayer. The shiur explores the issue theoretically but also extends into issues of practical concern for our community.
Contact the shul (admin@kolnefesh.org.uk) for venues, or if you're a member - check your bulletin.