Rabbi Joel's Visit Feb 15-17
Thursday Feb 15th
Our regular study session will be in person as well as on Zoom
The tefila (prayer) pelach has raised a number of questions about how we conduct our shared communal life. This short series of sessions will address these questions, which will also bring to the fore some basic value considerations for Kol Nefesh as a community.
SESSION 2: Obligations around wearing a tallit, particularly on being called up to receive an aliya or leading the davening. Should clear communal norms or individual choice and comfort prevail?
Erev Shabbat Feb 16th
We have a special communal meal and discussion on the subject of love and relationships which is kindly hosted by Tanya and Mark Novick at their home.
We will have a Kabbalat shabbat service and then enjoy a takeaway Indian meal where we will discuss 'empty nest syndrome'. In aid of Valentine's day, the focus of the discussion will be on continuing adult relationships and family bonds once the children have become independent and are allowing you to discover yourselves as a couple again.
This Kabbalat shabbat evening is open to everyone as this is a universal issue affecting many families both now and in the past and you are all warmly invited. We encourage those wishing to attend to consider making a donation in the shul account to help offset the cost of the food. Please contact the synagogue (admin@kolnefesh.org.uk) if you would like to attend.
Shabbat Feb 17th
We have a kiddush kindly sponsored by Richard in honour of Joel's visit and afterwards there will be a light lunch and discussion on the subject of Grief and how it affects us both individually and as a community. This is a prelude to the upcoming Jewish Mourning and the Shiva series, a collaboration between Rabbi Joel and EAJL's Chazzan Jalda Rebling which starts on 5th March for 7 weeks. All warmly invited.