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  • KolNefesh

This Year's Regular Shiurim with Rabbi Joel

Here's an update on our regular shiurim for Fridays and Sundays during the weekends when Rabbi Joel is with us this year (barring special occasions like Shavuot). These are open to anyone interested; no previous experience necessary.

Friday Talmud Shiur - 9.30-11am. Machloket; the ancient Jewish tradition of constructive argument.

Jews have been arguing with each other for thousands of years. In this series we will explore rabbinic texts that reflect on the nature of that argument. Is it possible for people to disagree without hating or delegitimising each other? Contact Tanya & Mark Novick for the venue, 07808 345 751.

Friday Trace/City Shiur - 12.45pm. Bereshit – In the beginning… The opening chapters of Generis are a treasure trove for those seeking to understand one biblical approach to core human values. We will explore these chapters and reflect on what they say about the origins of life, food, violence, sex, humanity and sin. This shiur takes place in the City and is great for people working in London who have time over their lunch hour. Contact Richard Wolfe for the location and more info: 020 7458 1689.

Sunday, Shaharit 9.30am, Shiur c. 10-11.30am. The current deliberations of the Law Committee.

In this series we will look at the halachic responsa emerging right now from the Law Committees of the Conservative/Masorti Movement. What are the pressing halachic issues of the moment and how are they being dealt with? No background needed. Come and get an insight into how contemporary halachic decisions are made. This shiur will be held at the Leonard Sainer Centre (our usual location).

See you there!

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