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Calais Children: A Case to Answer - A new film by Sue Clayton


When the Calais jungle was razed in October 2016, over 1900 unaccompanied minors were left stranded. Many had a legal case to enter the UK, but they suffered delays and denials from the British government, and were finally abandoned in France with no support. Sue Clayton fought to get these young people recognised and their cases heard. Her film follows them over the months after the closure of the camp and records her legal fight on their behalf.

When: 9th January 2018 at 7:30pm - film and discussion

Where: EMS Tickets: £5 for Masorti Members, £10 for guests. ​​Proceeds will be split between JCORE's Coats4Calais Appeal and Calais Children's Refugee Organisation.​

Please bring a gift of new socks, gloves, scarves or hats, or make a donation on the door toward new winter coats!

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