18 Years, 18 Events...
Come Celebrate with Us!

In honour of our 18th birthday, Kol Nefesh is running at least 18 special programmes or events over the course of this year. Here's a look at some of what we have in store:

From Medieval Parchment to Digital Image: The Hebrew Manuscripts Digitisation Project
January 20, 2018
The British Library’s collection of Hebrew manuscripts spans over a thousand years - and all are now being digitised. Miriam Lewis will speak to us about her work managing this massive and hugely important project.

Whisky Tasting Extravaganza!
March 15, 2018
Join us as at least twelve examples of different whisky types are presented in groups for a blind tasting. Refreshments will also be provided (herring, of course!). Cost: £20 per person for KN members, £25 for non-members (£10 and £12 for under-30s). Please register and pay in advance, admin@kolnefesh.org.uk.

Community Friday Night Dinner
March 16, 2018
Celebrate our 18th birthday with a community-wide meaty catered dinner, with Rabbi Joel. 6.30pm at Leonard Sainer.
Cost: £15 per person; £35 for families of 3 or more. RSVP by Monday February 26th to admin@kolnefesh.org.uk (please advise whether a vegetarian or vegan meal will be required). See you there!

Bengali cookery workshop
May 12, 2018
A Bengali cookery workshop with Shahnaz Ahsan! A professional food writer and founder of The Tiger Kitchen, Shahnaz has been cooking with love since she first learnt how to work a stove. Come for this workshop in the morning; stay for John Lazarus's opera talk in the afternoon. A day for all the senses!

Photography Workshops with Marc Morris & Rena Pearl - June 10 and 24
Kol Nefesh's two professional photographers will share their expertise in two hands-on workshops on Sunday mornings in June - June 10 (Marc) and June 24 (Rena). Come to one or both! (Note that the date of Rena's workshop has been changed from June 17th.)

Bring Kol Nefesh to your kitchen.
We're putting together a book of our favourite Kol Nefesh potluck recipes and more. Please send your recipes to Sarah Burns, sarah@planetburns.com.