Kol Nefesh's Virtual Rosh Hashanah
On this page you will find audio and video recordings of some of the special prayers of Rosh Hashanah, the readings from the Torah, and Rabbi Joel's D'var Torah for Rosh Hashanah 2020/5781.
Scroll down the page for the different parts of the service in order – Shacharit, Torah reading, Rabbi Joel's D'var Torah, and Musaph. Page numbers are provided for the Harlow and Lev Shalem Machzorim.
Avinu Malkeinu (Alsace Lorraine melody)
Avinu Malkeinu (USA traditional melody)
Avinu Malkeinu (Janowski melody)
Torah reading for 1st day
and Shabbat
Maftir (Bamidbar 29:1 to 29:6)
When 1st day is a weekday, the Torah reading is as follows:
1 Bereshit 21:1 to 21:4
2 Bereshit 21:5 to 21:12
3 Bereshit 21:13 to 21:21
4 Bereshit 21:22 to 21:27
5 Bereshit 21:28 to 21:34
Maftir is unchanged
Harlow Lev Shalem
p168 p100
p168 p100
p168 p100
p170 p101
p170 p101
p172 p102
p172 p102
p180 p106
Torah reading for 2nd day
Harlow Lev Shalem
p174 p103
p174 p104
p174 p104
p176 p105
p176 p105
p180 p106
D'var Torah
A Rosh HaShanah D'var Torah from Rabbi Joel – video
Study materials to accompany the D'var Torah can be found here.
Harlow Lev Shalem
p240 p143
p242 p144
p254 p153
p258 p154
p258 p156
p266 p160
p274 p164
May You Be Inscribed in the Book of Life!