Submissions are now being accepted for the Rosh Hashanah 2018 issue.
The theme for this issue is...........
הַיּוֹם קָצָר וְהַמְּלָאכָה מְרֻבָּה – The day is short and the work is much
Rabbi Tarfon said: The day is short and the work is much,
and the workers are lazy and the reward is great,
and the Master of the house is pressing.
He used to say: It is not your responsibility to finish the work,
but neither are you free to desist from it.
The modern world lends itself to a growing sense of confusion and powerlessness. Significant decisions are taken far away from us and our private decision-making can feel uninformed and even irrelevant. What is our role in the great scheme of things? What is the right way to take responsibility, step up and play our part? In what parts of our lives are we letting ourselves off the hook too easily; in the words of Rabbi Tarfon, feeling "free to desist from it" because of our overwhelming sense that the "work" is too much?
Please send your articles, artwork, or poetry to Meira, meirabengad@yahoo.com, or Georgia, georgia@kaufmannwolfe.com, by Friday the 10th of August.
Please note....
We are seeking to cover the costs of producing and mailing Kol HaKehilah by including adverts in the forthcoming Rosh Hashanah edition. This will give members and local businesses an opportunity to promote their products and services within the community.
If you don’t have a business, why not support the production of our outstanding magazine and share your New Year wishes for the community?
The details:
Printing is in black and white.
All logos sent need to be in high res jpeg format
Ads in jpeg or pdf format.
New Year wishes can simply be emailed across.
£90 for a full page
£50 for a half page
£25 for a quarter page
£10 for business-card size
Full page: 254-266mm X 184mm (portrait orientation)
Half page: 122mm X 184mm (landscape orientation)
Quarter page: 122mm X 87mm (portrait orientation)
Business-card size: 56mm x 87mm (landscape orientation)
(If you're on a desktop computer, see below for an illustration)
All artwork /text should be sent to meirabengad@yahoo.com or georgia@kaufmannwolfe.com by FRIDAY AUGUST 10.
Payment can be made via Nicola Kosmin, admin@kolnefesh.org.uk.
Thank you for your support of KNM’s Kol HaKehilah magazine!