Brooklyn, 1938. Phillip and Sylvia Gellburg are a married couple living increasingly separate lives. Phillip is obsessed with getting ahead, in a real estate company where he is the only Jew. Sylvia is disturbed by news of Kristallnacht from Germany. In a single night, the Nazis destroyed thousands of Jewish homes and businesses, smashing windows and burning synagogues. Haunted by these images, she becomes ill and is unable to move. Phillip takes her to see the popular and attractive Dr Harry Hyman, whose ‘talking cure’ has unexpected consequences.
Broken Glass will be playing at the Watford Palace Theatre in March - a perfect opportunity for another KN event! There will be a discussion at 3pm on Shabbat March 10th, following a potluck lunch (check your bulletin or contact the shul for the address). Please make your own arrangements to see the play (KNers are known to be going on Motzei Shabbat March 3rd and on Thursday the 8th). Click here for more information and to book.