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Voice of the Northern Soul redux! Kol Nefesh hosts the Darlington Hebrew Congregation, August 31-Sep


Back in August 2016, 16 members of Kol Nefesh journeyed north for a weekend with the Darlington Hebrew Congregation. Rabbi Barbara Borts, the Rabbi of DHC, is a member of our shul - so this was a chance for us to visit her in her normal home while enjoying a break from the August routine in London (you can see some photos here). We are now pleased to return the wonderful hospitality we received from the DHC, as a number of their members will be joining us for the weekend of August 31-September 1 (the weekend of Selichot).

Here's what's planned:

Friday - our Darlington guests arrive and meet their host families.

Friday night - Kabbalat Shabbat and potluck Friday night dinner, 6.30pm, hosted by Brenda and Mike (contact for the address), with teaching by Robert Stone. Here's a teaser from Robert:

Biblical bitcoins – the role of the shekel in Torah

Everyone, except an economist, knows what 'money' means, and even an economist can describe it in a chapter or so” (A.H. Quiggin). The bitcoin phenomenon reveals a lot about what people think money means. This in turn throws light on the cultural and spiritual significance of the shekel in the Torah. In this session we’ll explore what this can teach us about how we use our money.

Shabbat morning - services as usual at the Leonard Sainer Centre, followed by one of our acclaimed Green Team lunches.

Shabbat afternoon - rest and seudah shlishit provided by host families.

Motzei Shabbat - Selichot (click here for details).

We look forward to seeing our friends from up north. Local friends are warmly invited too!

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