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EAJL Diploma Award Ceremony for Simon Gordon
Simon Gordon, a member of Kol Nefesh Masorti, became the third student to obtain the Ba'al T'fillah Diploma from the European Academy for Jewish Liturgy (EAJL). The diploma was awarded at New London Synagogue on 24th February 2019, 19th Adar HaRishon 5779, and a recoding of this wonderful event is here on YouTube
EAJL (the European Academy for Jewish Liturgy) was set up in 2007 by Chazan Jacky Chernett and provides competent lay individuals and groups with dedicated professional coaching and mentoring in leadership of Jewish prayer. At Kol Nefesh, Chazan Jacky leads services, and teaches our own lay leaders, including Simon, to lead services for Shabbat, Haggim and the Yamim Nora'im.
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